Environmental, Social and Governance (ESG)

Kadoorie Estates Limited has a rich tradition of caring for our heritage, environment, tenants, staff and business partners. We fully understand the importance of long-term perspective in development and have embedded environmental and social responsibility in our corporate culture. Our management regularly reviews ESG performance and continuously seeks opportunities for improvement through adopting new technology and best practice.  

Our sustainable commitment and vision

While building and conserving luxurious houses in a heritage area in the centre of Hong Kong, we are committed to a sustainable approach and sharing our sustainable vision with stakeholders. In addition to protecting the historical architecture, we place strong emphasis on preserving natural resources and minimising waste generation. Our staff, tenants and business partners play essential roles towards our sustainable vision, with whom we regularly engage through various channels such as meetings, events and site visits. We keep them informed about our latest initiatives and listen to their feedback.

Embracing nature on The Estate

A core principle at The Estate is “inside-outside living”. We achieve this by creating beautiful private gardens for our houses through vertical greening along our premises and surrounding green landscape. With special attention given to the mature trees on Kadoorie Hill in Kowloon, we have created a unique green microclimate which boosts the health and quality of life of our residents and provides a public good for all of Hong Kong.

We work towards sustainability by focusing on enhancing material efficiency and reducing energy consumption through design details. To reduce our energy footprint, we conduct regular energy audits and upgrades to our facilities. When planning for renovation and other works, we prepare a mock-up to better streamline work processes and reuse existing materials to avoid wastage. Our new building designs allow more natural light and fresh air flow into a building, which can further reduce energy consumption for lighting and cooling. We also encourage our tenants to embrace a green living culture: for instance, food waste decomposers are provided for household use at The Kadoorie Estate, and complimentary upgrading of light fittings was offered to St. George’s Building tenants.

Caring for people and partners

We aim to build strong relationships with our staff and business partners by creating harmonious workplaces and living environments, while at the same time supporting community development. We provide our staff with a wide range of professional training and development opportunities. Through experience sharing sessions, we exchange practical knowledge and create new ideas with our business partners. During the COVID-19 epidemic, we took extra care to ensure health and wellness of our staff and contractors. Besides providing adequate face masks and enhanced lavatory facilities, special work arrangements and stringent precautionary measures were put in place to keep our staff and contractors safe while at work on our premises and sites.

It has also been our tradition to support and participate in charity events over the years. With the outbreak of COVID-19, our staff volunteered to support the local community by organising the donation of face masks to a local hospital and a consulate.

By offering care to our people and the environment, we continue to join hands with our tenants and business partners to support our community and Hong Kong as a whole and help build a better future for the society.